Working with the Video-Annotation UI

Learn how to annotate videos in Taskmonk.

  1. Click the My Tasks icon in the top-right section of the page.
    My Tasks page appears.

  2. Click the Get Tasks button adjacent to the project you want to work on.
    The labeling UI associated with this project appears.



On top of the page, the following is displayed:

  • Menu Bar - The top-level menu providing access to the below functions.

a. Collapse menu button - A button to hide or show the Menu for more screen space.

b. Undo - Reverses the last action taken in the workspace.

c. Redo - Restores the action that was undone.

d. Adjustments - Options to modify or fine-tune the below elements in the workspace.


  • Brightness

  • Contrast

  • Saturation

e. Volume control - Adjusts the audio output level.

f. Zoom Controls - Allows for zooming in/out and reset within the workspace.


g. Export JSON file - Saves the project data in JSON format for external use.

h. Import JSON file - Imports external JSON data into the workspace.

i. Keyboard shortcuts - A list of key combinations for quick actions.

j. Fullscreen - Expands the workspace to occupy the entire screen.

  • Tool Bar - The area where tools for editing are located.

k. Collapse Tools button - Hides or reveals the editing tools for more space.

  • Select Tool - Chooses objects or elements in the workspace.

  • Pan tool - Pan horizontally and vertically within the workspace.

  • Polygon Tool - Use to create a Polygonaly annotation.

  • Rectangle - Use to create a rectangular annotation.

  • Ellipse - Use to create a rounded or oval annotation.

  • Point - Use to create point annotation.

  • Point Group - Use to create a collection of individual points for annotation.

  • Poly Line - Use to create a series of connected straight segments as annotation.

l. Workspace - The main area where project elements are created and edited.

m. Attribute panel - Displays and allows the modification of object attributes.

n. Play controls - Buttons for controlling the playback of video.

  • Time input field - Manually input a specific time or frame number which reflects in the position of the Play-head's position on the time line and the video.

  • Go to start of Time line - Moves the Play-head to the beginning of the Time line.


  • Previous Key frame - Jumps to the previous defined key-frame.

  • Rewind by 10 seconds - Moves back in time by 10 seconds.

  • Play / Pause - Starts or pauses the Video playback.

  • Forward by 10 seconds - Advances the timeline by 10 seconds.

  • Next Key frame - Advances to the next defined key-frame.

  • Go to End of Time line - Places the Play-head at the end of the Time line.

  • Loop Controls - Options for looping playback.

  • Setting - Configurable options for the Video playback.

  • Playback speed - Adjusts the speed of the timeline playback.

  • Units - Defines the measurement units used in the workspace (frames /

  • Time Line - The visual representation of time in the workspace.

  • Playhead - A marker showing the current playback position.

  • Select/deselect all - Choose or unselect all elements in the workspace.

  • Lock/Unlock all - Locks or unlocks all elements for editing.

  • Delete all - Removes all elements from the workspace.

  • Waveform - A visual representation of audio data.

  • Scenes Container - Organizes and manages different scenes.

  • Collapse all scenes button - Hides or reveals all scene layers.

  • Scene layers - Individual layers within a scene container.

  • Select/deselect - Choose or unselect scene elements.

  • Hide/unhide - Conceal or reveal scene elements.

To Create Scenes:

  • Scene name - The name assigned to a specific scene.


  • Start / End scene Instance - Create/terminate a scene instance. When pressed the video begins to play and creates an instance, when pressed again, video stops and terminates the scene instance.

  • Lock scene - Prevents changes to a specific scene.

  • Delete scene - Removes a scene from the project.

  • Lock all scenes - Prevents changes to all scenes.

  • Delete all scenes - Removes all scenes from the project.


  • Scene instance - A specific occurrence or representation of a scene on the time line.

  • Instance handles - Manipulate and transform scene instances.

To Create Segments:

  • Segments Container - Organizes and manages different segments.

  • Collapse all segments button - Hides or reveals all segment items.

  • Segment layers - Individual layers within a segment.

  • Select/deselect - Choose or unselect segment elements.

  • Hide/unhide - Conceal or reveal segment elements.

  • Segment name - The name assigned to a specific segment.

  • Lock segment - Prevents changes to a specific segment.

  • Delete segment - Removes a segment from the project.

  • Create Segment - Generates a new segment in the project.


  • Lock all Segments - Prevents changes to all segments.

  • Delete all Segments - Removes all segments from the project.


  • Segment instance - A specific occurrence or representation of a segment.

  • Instance handles - Manipulate and transform segment instances.

To Create Class

  • Class - Contains a Group of objects with shared attributes.


  • Collapse class button - Hides or reveals all objects in a class.

  • Object - Individual elements in the workspace. Objects belong to a class.

  • Select/Deselect - Choose or unselect specific objects.

  • Hide/Unhide - Conceal or reveal specific objects.

  • Object name - The name assigned to a specific object.

  • Start/End scene instance button - Mark the beginning and end of object instances.

  • Lock Object - Prevents changes to a specific object.

  • Delete Object - Removes a specific object from the project.

  • Object instance - A specific occurrence or representation of an object.

  • Instance handles - Manipulate and transform object instances.

  • Keyframes - Frames indicating changes or key moments in the timeline.

On bottom of the page, the following is displayed:


  • Batch ID - An identification number for batch processing.

  • Task ID - An identification number for specific tasks.

  • Timer - Displays the elapsed time for a task.

  • Documents - Lists of available documents or files.

  • Message - A communication area for system messages or notifications.

  • Save and Exit - Saves the project and exits the program.

  • Submit Task and Exit - Submits a task and exits the program.

  • Submit and Get Next Task - Submits a task and retrieves the next one in the queue.Learn how to annotate videos in Taskmonk.



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