Admin Panel

Admin Panel

Admin panel is a portal by Taskmonk that is provided only to the admin users. A number of operations related to the project, level, batch, and user can be performed using this utility. An admin can perform below operations using the admin panel without having to contact Taskmonk:

  • Change status of tasks

  • Change level of tasks

  • Reset output of tasks

  • Delete a project

  • Fetch a task’s statistics

  • Delete users from the organisation

  • Sync Batch statistics

  • Search for a task in the database

Each operation of the admin panel is explained in full below with an example.


  1. Status change

This functionality allows to change a task's status in the database. If the tasks are in active state and if it needs to be moved to completed state, we can select Source Status as Active and Target Status as Complete.



2. Level change

In this feature, the tasks can be moved to respective state and to a respective level.

Ex: If the tasks from the pending state in level 1 are to be moved to active state in level 2, the Source status should be selected as Ready, Source Level should be 1 and Target Level should be 2.


  1. Reset output

This feature facilitates task resets. After the reset is completed at the respective level, the output will be deleted for that and any level above that.

Ex: Source level must be chosen as 2 if the task needs to be reset to level 2 or 3 if the task needs to be reset to level 3.

Note: If there are three levels and the task is complete, when the task reset is done to L1, all the data will be erased and the task will be ready for allocation at level 1.


  1. Delete Project

This function facilitates project deletion. The project shall be permanently deleted from the database.


  1. Task Statistics

This feature shows the start and end time of all the users who worked on a particular task.



  1. Delete users

To delete users permanently from the platform. Once deleted the user will no longer have access to the platform.


7. Sync Batch statistics

If batch status reports are showing incorrect numbers, sync batch stats can be performed. This functionality also enables us to display the number of tasks that are residing in each state.


  1. Search task

This feature facilitates searching for a particular value in a field across all batches in a project.


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