Working with Reports

Learn how to view the various reports in Taskmonk.

You can view two types of reports in Taskmonk. These are:

Project Reports

Project reports provided by Taskmonk are listed below. Click on each to know how to view these.

Viewing Dataset Progress Report

  1. Click the Projects icon in the top-right section of the Home page.
    The Projects page appears.



  2. Click Reports > View for the project for which you wish to view the report.
    The Project Reports page appears.

  3. Dataset Progress Report is displayed by default.
    To navigate to the report at any point, click Dataset Progress Reports. The report appears.


    The report summarizes the status of tasks per batch per level for a given project. The columns include:

    1. Batch ID.

    2. Project Batch: The batch name.

    3. Disagreement Score: A score based on the variance in the results for different levels.

    4. L#: Complete: The number of tasks from the batch that have been completed for a given level.

    5. L#: Pending: The number of tasks from the batch that are pending for a given level.

    6. Total: The total number of tasks in the batch.

Viewing Labeling Team Performance

  1. Click the Projects icon in the top-right section of the Home page.
    The Projects page appears.



  2. Click Reports > View for the project for which you wish to view the report.
    The Project Reports page appears.

  3. Click Labeling Team Performance. The Labeling Team Performance page appears.
    By default, the report for the current day is displayed.


    The report summarizes the task performance for each user in a given project. The columns include:

    1. Users: The username of the users assigned to the project.

    2. Actual: The number of tasks completed by the user under this project.

    3. Target: The target set for the user.

    4. Percentage: The percentage of the target achieved.

    5. Audited: The number of tasks that have been audited for the user.

    6. Rejected: The number of tasks that have been rejected by the auditor.

    7. Error Count: The number of tasks where an error has been identified.

    8. Accurate Count: The number of tasks in which no errors have been identified.

    9. SLA (seconds/task): The target SLA set for the user.

    10. Actual SLA (seconds/task): The average time spent per task by the user.

    11. Time Taken: Total time spent working on the tasks.

    12. Golden Task Count: The number of golden tasks the user has worked on.

    13. Golden Task Accurate Count: The number of golden tasks in which no errors have been identified.

    14. Time Taken (in Min.): The total time spent by the user on golden tasks.

  4. To view the report for:

    1. The current day, click Day.

    2. The last seven days, click Week.

    3. The last month, click Month.

    4. The last three months, click Quarterly.

    5. A specific period:

      1. Enter the start date and the end date in the fields provided.

      2. Click Submit.

  5. Click By User to view the report grouped by the user levels. This is the default view.

  6. Click By Level to view the report grouped by the user levels.

  7. To filter the report by user level, select the corresponding levels from the list provided.

  8. Click the Toggle View icon to switch between a table view and a chart view.

  9. Click the Download XLSX icon to download the displayed report as a spreadsheet.

Viewing Labeled Data Analytics

  1. Click the Projects icon in the top-right section of the Home page.
    The Projects page appears.



  2. Click Reports > View for the project for which you wish to view the report.
    The Project Reports page appears.

  3. Click Labeled Data Analytics.
    The report appears.


The report summarizes the status of tasks per batch per level for a given project. The columns include:

  1. Batch ID.

  2. Project Batch: The batch name.

  3. Disagreement Score: A score based on the variance in the results for different levels.

  4. L#: Complete: The number of tasks from the batch that have been completed for a given level.

  5. L#: Pending: The number of tasks from the batch that are pending for a given level.

  6. Total: The total number of tasks in the batch.

Global Reports

Global reports provided by Taskmonk are listed below. Click on each to know how to view these.

Viewing Project Status Report

  1. Click the Reports icon in the top-right section of the header.
    The Reports page appears.


  2. Click Project Status > Active to view the Project Status report for all active projects.

  3. Click Project Status > Archived to view the Project Status report for all archived projects.

  4. The report summarizes the status of each project in Taskmonk. The columns include:

    1. Project: The name of a project.

    2. Process: The name of the process for which the project has been created.

    3. Total: The total number of tasks in the project.

    4. Pending: The number of tasks corresponding to Pending Datasets in the project

    5. Complete: The total number of completed tasks in the project.

    6. Active: The total number of tasks currently being worked upon in the project.

    7. Complete Percentage: The percentage of tasks completed out of the total number of tasks in the project.

    8. Users: The number of users assigned to the project. Click to view the Labeling Team Performance report.

    9. Batches: The number of batches in the project. Click to view the Dataset Progress report.

  5. Click Users > # User to view the Labeling Team Performance report for the project. To know more about the report, see Viewing Labeling Team Performance Report.

  6. Click Batches > # Batch to view the status of all the batches created for the project. To know more about the report, see Viewing Dataset Progress Report.

  7. To search for a particular project or process, type the key phrase in Search. Filtered results appear as you type.

  8. Click the Reload Report icon to reload the report to reflect any changes since the last refresh.

  9. Click the Toggle View icon to switch between a table view and a chart view.

  10. Click the Download XLSX icon to download the displayed report as a spreadsheet.

Viewing Users' Status Report

  1. Click the Reports icon in the top-right section of the page.
    The Reports page appears.



  2. Click Users Status. The Users' Status report appears.
    By default, the report for the current day and all projects is displayed.

  3. To filter the report by project:

    1. Click the Project Name multi-select dropdown.
      The list of all the projects appears.



    2. Select the projects for which you want the data to be displayed.
      The Project Levels dropdown appears.

    3. Select the level for which you want the data to be displayed.



  4. To view the report for a specific period:


    1. Enter the start date and the end date in the fields provided.

    2. Click Submit. The Users' Status report appears.


  5. The report summarizes the activities of each user in the selected projects. The columns include:

    1. Users: The email id of a user.

    2. Project: The name of the project to which the user is assigned.

    3. Process: The name of the process corresponding to the project.

    4. Level: The user’s execution level in the project.

    5. Actual: The number of tasks the user has completed.

    6. Target: The target set for the user.

    7. Percentage: The percentage of the target achieved.

    8. Audited: The number of tasks completed by the user that have been audited.

    9. Rejected: The number of tasks completed by the user that have been rejected.

    10. Error Count: The total number of errors identified in the task completed by the user.

    11. Accurate Count: The number of tasks completed by the user in which no errors have been identified.

    12. SLA: The SLA set for the user.

    13. Actual SLA: The average time per task achieved by the user.

    14. Time Taken: The total time taken by the user to work on the tasks in HH:MM:SS format.

    15. Time Taken (in minutes): The total time taken by the user to work on the tasks in minutes.

    16. Work Hours: The total work hours available in the time period selected.

    17. Utilization (time taken/Work Hours).

    18. Golden Task Count: The total number of golden tasks assigned to the user.

    19. Golden Task Accurate Count: The number of golden tasks completed by the user in which no errors have been identified.

  6. To search for a particular project, process, or user, type the key phrase in Search. Filtered results appear as you type.

  7. Click the Reload Report icon to reload the report to reflect any changes since the last refresh.

  8. Click the Toggle View icon to switch between a table view and a chart view.

  9. Click the Download XLSX icon to download the displayed report as a spreadsheet.

If Number of Work Hours is not set for a project, the report would default to eight work hours per day.

Viewing Users' Target Report

  1. Click the Reports icon in the top-right section of the page.
    The Reports page appears.


  2. Click Users Target. The Users' Target report appears.
    By default, the report for the current day is displayed.



  3. To filter the report by project:

    1. Click the Project Name multi-select dropdown.
      The list of all the projects appears.



    2. Select the projects for which you want the data to be displayed.
      The Project Levels dropdown appears.

    3. Select the level for which you want the data to be displayed.



  4. To view the report for a specific period:

    1. Enter the start date and the end date using the fields provided.

    2. Click Submit. The Users' Target report appears.

  5. The report summarizes the performance of each user in the selected projects with respect to the targets set for them. The columns include:

    1. Users: The name of a user, the project to which they are assigned, and their execution level within the project.

    2. Achieved Transactions: The number of tasks the user has completed.

    3. Transaction Target: The target set for the user.

    4. AHT Target (SLA): The target average handling time set for the user.

  6. Click Transactions to view the performance of each user in Taskmonk. The columns include:

    1. Users: The username of a user.

    2. Transactions Achieved: The total number of tasks submitted by the user for a project.

    3. AHT Achieved: The average handling time achiever by the user for a project.

    4. Accurate Cases: The percentage of submitted tasks in which no errors have been identified.
      Note that this report is generated for all the tasks to date.


  7. To search for a particular project, process, or user, type the key phrase in Search. Filtered results appear as you type.

  8. Click the Reload Report icon to reload the report to reflect any changes since the last refresh.

  9. Click the Toggle View icon to switch between a table view and a chart view.

  10. Click the Download XLSX icon to download the displayed report as a spreadsheet.

Viewing Billing Report

  1. Click the Reports icon in the top-right section of the page.
    The Reports page appears.


  2. Click Billing Report. The billing report appears.
    By default, the report for the last month is displayed.


  3. Click Org Wise to view the cumulative billing report for all the projects for your organization. This is the default view.

    The columns include:

    1. Org Name: The name of an organization.

    2. Total Transactions: The total number of tasks completed for all projects within the organization.

    3. Total Datasets: The number of batches created for all projects within the organization.

    4. Total Time Taken: The total time spent on all projects and across all users in HH:MM:SS format.

  4. Click Project Wise to view the billing report grouped by projects. This is the default view.

    The report summarizes the total number of transactions achieved for each project. The columns include:

    1. Project ID.

    2. Project Name.

    3. Total Transactions: The total number of tasks completed in the project.

    4. Total Datasets: The number of batches created in the project.

    5. Total Time Taken: The total time spent on a project across all users in HH:MM:SS format.

  5. Click Batch Wise (Completed) to view the billing report grouped by the batches on which the work was completed during the selected period.

    The columns include:

    1. Project ID.

    2. Project Name.

    3. Batch ID.

    4. Batch Name.

    5. Total Tasks: The total number of tasks present in the batch.

    6. Start Time: The date on which the first task from the batch was opened by a Level 1 user.

    7. End Time: The date on which the last task from the batch was completed.

  6. Click Batch Wise to view the total billable time grouped by batches in all the projects corresponding to the organization.

    The columns include:

    1. Project ID.

    2. Project Name.

    3. Batch ID.

    4. Batch Name.

    5. Total Transactions: The total number of transactions corresponding to the batch.

    6. Total Time Taken: The total time spent on the batch across all users in HH:MM:SS format.

  7. Click Level Wise to view the total billable time grouped by execution level across all projects within the organization.

    The columns include:

    1. Level: An execution level.

    2. Total Transactions: The total number of transactions at the execution level across all projects.

    3. Total Datasets: The total number of datasets at the execution level across all projects.

    4. Total Time Taken: The total time spent at the execution level across all projects in HH:MM:SS format.

  8. Click User Wise to view the total billable time grouped by users across all projects within the organization.

    The columns include:

    1. User ID.

    2. User Name.

    3. Total Transactions: The total number of transactions submitted by the user across all projects.

    4. Total Datasets: The total number of datasets that the user had worked on across all projects.

    5. Total Time Taken: The total time taken by the user across all projects in HH:MM:SS format.

  9. To view the report for a specific period:

    1. Enter the start date and the end date in the fields provided.

    2. Click Submit.

  10. To search for a particular project or process, type the key phrase in Search. Filtered results appear as you type.

  11. Click the Reload Report icon to reload the report to reflect any changes since the last refresh.

  12. Click the Toggle View icon to switch between a table view and a chart view.

  13. Click the Download XLSX icon to download the displayed report as a spreadsheet.

Viewing Tenant Report

  1. Click the Reports icon in the top-right section of the page.
    The Reports page appears.


  2. Click Tenant Report. The Tenant Report appears.
    By default, the report for the current day and all projects is displayed.

    The columns include:

    1. Project Name: The name of the project and the process for which the project has been created.

    2. Level: The execution level under the project.

    3. Number of Users: The number of users at the given execution level of the project.

    4. Active Users Count: The number of users who were active at the given execution level of the project during the reporting period.

    5. Total Time Taken: The total time taken at the given execution level of the project in HH:MM:SS format.

    6. Average Time Taken Per Task: The average time taken per task at the given execution level of the project in HH:MM:SS format.

  3. To view the report for a specific period:


    1. Enter the start date and the end date in the fields provided.

    2. Click Submit.

  4. To search for a particular project or process, type the key phrase in Search. Filtered results appear as you type.

  5. Click the Reload Report icon to reload the report to reflect any changes since the last refresh.

  6. Click the Toggle View icon to switch between a table view and a chart view.

Viewing Monthly Productivity Report

  1. Click the Reports icon in the top-right section of the header.
    The Reports page appears.


  2. Click Monthly Productivity.
    The Select Project and Date modal appears.


  3. Click Project Name to select the name of the project for which you wish to view the productivity report.

  4. Click Month and Year to select the month for which the report should be displayed.

  5. Click Ok.
    The productivity report appears.

    The columns include:

    1. Users: The email id of a user.

    2. Actual: The number of tasks completed by the user under a project.

    3. Target: The target set for the user.

    4. Percentage: The percentage of the target achieved.

    5. Audited: The number of tasks that have been audited for the user.

    6. Rejected: The number of tasks that have been rejected by the auditor.

    7. Error Count: The number of tasks where an error has been identified.

    8. Accurate Count: The number of tasks in which no errors have been identified.

    9. Time Taken: Total time spent working on the tasks in HH:MM:SS format.

    10. Golden Task Count: The number of golden tasks the user has worked on.

    11. Golden Task Accurate Count: The number of golden tasks in which no errors have been identified.

    12. Clarify Requested: The number of times the user has requested clarification.

    13. Clarified: The number of times the user has provided clarification.

    14. Date.

  6. To change the project or the period for which the report is displayed:


    1. Click Project Name to select the name of the project for which you wish to view the productivity report.

    2. Click Month and Year to select the month for which the report should be displayed.

    3. Click Submit. The new report appears.

  7. To search for a particular user, type the key phrase in Search. Filtered results appear as you type.

  8. Click the Reload Report icon to reload the report to reflect any changes since the last refresh.

  9. Click the Download XLSX icon to download the displayed report as a spreadsheet.

Viewing Cumulative Productivity Report

  1. Click the Reports icon in the top-right section of the page.
    The Reports page appears.


  2. Click Cumulative Productivity. The Cumulative Productivity Report appears.
    By default, the report for the current day is displayed.

    The report provides a summary of the productivity of all users in Taskmonk across all projects for the selected period. The columns include:

    1. Users: The email id of a user.

    2. Target: The target set for the user.

    3. Actual: The number of tasks the user has completed.

    4. Percentage: The percentage of the target achieved.

    5. Accurate Count: The number of tasks in which no errors have been identified.

    6. SLA: The SLA set for the user.

    7. Average Handling Time (AHT): The average time per task achieved by the user.

    8. Total Time Taken: The total time taken by the user to work on the tasks in HH:MM:SS format.

    9. Utilization: The ratio of Total Time Taken to total work hours available for the period.

  3. To view the report for a specific period:


    1. Enter the start date and the end date in the fields provided.

    2. Click Submit.

  4. To search for a particular user, type the key phrase in Search. Filtered results appear as you type.

  5. Click the Reload Report icon to reload the report to reflect any changes since the last refresh.

  6. Click the Download XLSX icon to download the displayed report as a spreadsheet.

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