Working with the Digitization UI

Learn how to use the digitization UI in Taskmonk.

  1. Click the My Tasks icon at the top of the page.
    The My Tasks page appears.



  2. Click the Get Tasks button adjacent to the project you wish to work on.
    The labeling UI associated with this project appears. 



    On top of the page, the following is displayed:

    1. Batch ID.

    2. Task ID.

    3. The number of tasks completed.

    4. The number of unread messages.

  3. Click View Docs on the top-right corner to view project documents.

  4. Click the Full Screen icon at the top-right corner to hide the application navigation menu.

  5. The document to be digitized is shown on the left, and the fields to capture the digitized information are shown on the right. The way you enter the labeling data depends on the data type of the result field. This is summarized in the below table:

Date Type


Date Type





  1. Type the result as free text.

A text field only accepts the characters allowed by the Format of the field. For example, a Number format text field will only accept numerals.



  1. Type the result as free text.

The entered string must be formatted like a URL, including the protocol. If the format is wrong, the field would be refreshed on losing focus.




  1. Click the downward arrow to the right of the field. Dropdown options appear.



  2. Click to select the result from the options provided.



  3. To remove selection, click on the x at the right of the field.

Only one of the options can be selected as the result.

MultiSelect DropDown



  1. Click on the field to see all the options provided.



  2. Select the result as desired. Selected value is shown in the field with a x next to it.

  3. Repeat the above steps to select all required values.



  4. To deselect, click x next to the selected value.

  5. Click x to the right of the field to deselect all values.




  1. Click on the calendrer icon to the right of the field. Date Picker appears.



  2. Select date as required.

  3. Alternatively, type the date in the DD/MM/YYYY format. Ensure that you enter a valid date.

File Upload



  1. Click Choose File. File Upload modal appears.

  2. Navigate to and select the file to be uploaded.

  3. Click Open (Mac) / Select (Windows) to select the file.




  1. Click on the option corresponding to the result.



  1. Click Add Table Data. A new row of fields is added for all columns.

  2. Fill in the annotation data.

  3. You can add as many rows as required.

Different ways to copy text from the image to the relevant output fields:

Typically as soon as the task loads, the OCR would have detected the texts in the document. Below are some of the ways with which one can go about copying the text into the relevant output fields.

  • Click To Copy Click to Paste

    • Click on the text in the document which will copy it to the clipboard

    • Click on relevant the output field to paste the copied text

  • Multi Select to Paste

    • Hold “Control” on the keyboard to activate drawing a region on the document to copy multiple texts

    • Click on relevant the output field to paste the copied text

    • This works best when the drag area has covered comprehensible text within the rectangular bounding boxes

  • Double Click to Paste

    • Click on the output field to select

    • On the document, double-click on the detected texts in rectangular bounding boxes to copy

    • Double-click on a different detected text to paste into the output field sequentially next to the currently copied field

  • Manual

    • Manually type text into the output fields


  1. Use the controls to the left of the image to edit the image as required.



    1. Click the Restore icon to restore the image to its original size.

    2. To adjust the contrast of the image:

      1. Click the Contrast icon.
        The Contrast slider appears.



      2. Adjust the slider as required.

    3. To adjust the saturation of the image:

      1. Click the Saturation icon.
        The Saturation slider appears.



      2. Adjust the slider as required.

    4. To adjust the brightness of the image:

      1. Click the Brightness icon.
        The Brightness slider appears.



      2. Adjust the slider as required.

    5. Click the Zoom In icon to zoom into the image.

    6. Click the Zoom Out icon to zoom out of the image.

    7. Click the Help icon to see all the shortcuts that you can use to annotate images. 

    8. Use the Annotations toggle to show/hide the image annotations.

  2. Click

    1. Submit & Get Next Task to submit the current task and load the next task.

    2. Save & Exit to save the work done without submitting and return to the My Tasks page.

    3. Skip & Get Next Task to skip the current task without saving the result data and load the next task.

    4. Submit Task & Exit to submit the current task and return to the My Tasks page.

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